Die wichtigsten Tips zu den Themen XenApp, XenDesktop und XenServer habe ich hier mal aufgeführt.
1From a cmd prompt on a XenApp Server, type:
cpatch /l | findstr /i hotfixname
This command string lists only the hotfixes installed.
It does not include all the extraneous information about the
hotfixes provided when running cpatch /L
2Use the Citrix Scout tool to collect
logs and CDF traces from selected computers.
Citrix Scout is also used in conjunction with Auto Support to help
resolve known issues.
3Whenever you need to troubleshoot a
XenApp environment, do not forget Citrix Quick Launch.
This little fella can help to reduce the number of items you have to
Is it the web interface?Is it a published application?Is it some
client or server setting?Go to CTX122536 (http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX122536)
and download the latest release!
4Wondering if that print driver will
work with XenApp?
Use StressPrinters to get the answer! Find it
5You can try all seamless flags at
once if you enter this:
- Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\wfshell\TWI
- Value Name: SeamlessFlags
- Value Type: 3EFFB7
6Here’s a nifty tip to prevent auto-creation of client
- Use the Group Policy Editor in Windows or the Citrix Delivery Services Console in XenApp to create and name a User-type policy.
- In the Printing section of the policy, navigate to Drivers.
- Select the Printer driver mapping and compatibility policy rule.
- Click Add, type the name of the printer driver to be excluded.
- Select “Do not create”.
7This is an ingenious little tool that
tests if Citrix ports are open and listening for a connection.
It’s called Citrix Port Check Utility. Get it
8Here’s a great way to fix display
corruption issues:
Change ForceLVBMode to 1 under the following registry key on client
64bit: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\ICA
9 Break out of a seamless window to see
if the weird display issue is seen in a fixed window.
Shift and F2.
1When troubleshooting VDA registration issues, follow
these easy steps:
- Run Nslookup Ip address of the VDA from the DDC
- Run Nslookup full qualified name of the VDA from the DDC
- Run Nslookup Ip address of the DDC from the VDA
- Run Nslookup full qualified name of the DDC from the VDA
- Verify you can ping the VDA from the DDC.
- Verify you can ping the DDC from the VDA.
2If registration fails and you get the
error message “DNS is not properly configured”, then this tip will be useful:
Registration fails if the VDA or the DDC controller sees an
incorrect IP address for the other party. Complete the following experiment to
see if this is an issue:
On both machines, start a command shell window and
run the following commands:
- ipconfig
- ping <othermachine.domain.com>
Both machines should be able to ping each other successfully by DNS
name (this means using the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) including the
domain.com bit and not the simple NetBIOS name).
Crucially, the IP address reported for the remote machine by the
ping command in each case should match the IP address reported by the ipconfig
command on the relevant machine.
If there is any discrepancy, fix the problem with your DNS
configuration and restart either the VDA and or the DDC controller, as
3Multiple Network Adapters
If the virtual desktops contain multiple network adaptors that can
be used to communicate with the DDC, this might cause the security negotiation
to fail. In that case, try disabling all network adapters except for the one
used to communicate with the DDC.
4CDFMarker is a great way to seriously
reduce the amount of CDF tracing you need to analyze.
CDF traces can grow to 100’s of thousands of lines very quickly, but
by using CDFMarker you can identify the area of interest in the trace straight
away, avoiding the need to analyze thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of
lines of tracing!Get the tool here:
5You can quickly and easily optimize
the user experience on XenApp & XenDesktop with the help and
recommendations of HDX Monitor.
6This is a useful PowerShell command
to perform a health check on the Broker Service.
7Refer to the blog post below or CTX117248 for a good
list of what typically causes VDA registration issues. They explain how to
resolve them:
8I frequently refer to (blog post) or
CTX117248 for a good list what typically causes VDA registration issues, and
they explain how to resolve them:
9The XD Site Checker Tool is great for
troubleshooting site services registration issues.
10Here is a little tip that saves me
time and effort every time I troubleshoot XenDesktop issues, especially VDA
registration problems.
XDPing: It’s a very useful tool that automates the verification of
configuration settings in a XenDesktop environment. Download
it here:
1Always run a metadata backup before any significant
modification to the pool, such as a hotfix installation or upgrade.
2While trying to export virtual
machines from a XenServer box, any attempt to use the OVF format may fail.
The XenCenter log file (in %appdata%\Citrix\XenCenter\Log\Xencenter.log)
shows something like: 2012-07-23 16:14:56,676 DEBUG XenAdmin.Actions.ActionBase
[4132] - System.Exception: Failed to export. ---> System.Xml.XmlException:
Root element is missing.
When you wish to use the OVF format, XenServer relies on a
“Transfert VM” which is a hidden object in XenCenter. So, if you don’t see it
in your XenCenter (View/Hidden Object) as a grayed template, no OVF export can
be done!
In that situation, make sure a default SR is set (required to
rebuild the transfer virtual machine) in XenCenter and, from the command line
interface, run:
[root@PARCCSXEN ~]#
After just a few minutes, the new template VM will be visible as a
hidden object in XenCenter and (voilà!) you can now export using OVF.
3If you run vm-exports from the
command line interface instead of XenCenter you can get much faster export
Why? Because you’re not using the Windows transfer methods or
compressing on the fly on a less powerful workstation.
4Review historical pool status and
other useful information using a pool status report:
Click “Add New Server” in XenCenter, and in the server block enter
the path to the xapi-db.xml file in the status report.Here’s an example:
You can now browse the pool resources as if you were connected to
the live pool. This will show the pool data from the point in time the status
report was taken.
This can be
very helpful when trying to recover storage that has been disconnected since SR
UUID’s and SCSI ids can be seen in a GUI instead of having to locate the
information in a log.
RAM can sort a lot of host issues but good storage speed is priceless.
the XAPI DB Parsing tool to create a report that can be viewed in a web browser.
This can be very helpful if a status report was
taken recently and - if for some reason VDI associations were lost – the report will provide the UUIDs of
the VDIs so they can be re-associated either manually or using a script.
you are using OVS, capturing traces on the bond won’t work.
Use tcpdump on the two physical interfaces. If you are using
something like eth0 and eth1, try:
- tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -w /tmp/eth0.pcap &
- tcpdump -I eth1 -s 0 -w /tmp/eth1.pcap &
Then, when you’re done
fg then ctrl+c to end the first, and again to end the second.
applying a bunch of patches, you do not need to reboot the physical host after
every patch unless it is a prerequisite for another patch (this is normally not
the case).
Just install all of them one by one and then give one final reboot.
This will save you a lot of time.
CPU exclusive pinning on large systems to get the best performance from
XenServer with the new utility “xl”.
This was
first introduced quietly in 6.0 and is fully implemented in 6.1
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